AFCA Writing Awards 2012
Entry is free and open to all: AFCA encourages - and welcomes - applications from AFCA members and
non-AFCA members, from any nationality or background.
The aim of the Australian Film Critics Association Film Writing Awards is to raise the level of film culture in Australia by encouraging broad and active participation in film discourse and increasing public awareness of film as an art form and cultural artefact.
Each applicant may submit a maximum of two pieces of writing and each piece submitted should fall into one of the following four categories:
1. Australian Film
2. Non-Australian Film
3. A review of an Australian Film.
4. A review of a non-Australian film
•Entries are to be typed on a computer or similar electronic device, and submitted via email to the awards coordinator, Carol van Opstal ([email protected]) by 5pm, Monday 11th February.
•Articles that have been published elsewhere are acceptable, but publication details should be provided
(see last year’s winners for examples).
•Entries are to be submitted in a common, unlocked document format, with content that can be copied and pasted for anonymous submission to the Adjudicators.
•The Awards Ceremony will be on Friday, 23rd February (6pm-8pm), in the Downstairs Studio, at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.
•Please don’t hesitate to contact Carol van Opstal (details above) if you have any queries about the awards.
We hope you will enjoy participating in this prestigious competition and look forward to receiving your submissions!
AFCA is proud to announce a panel of highly esteemed judges for the 2012 AFCA Writing Awards:
Alan Finney (Chairman of the Board of the Australian Film Institute)
Richard Sowada (Head of Programming at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image)
Deb Verhoeven (Professor and Chair of Media and Communication at Deakin University)
Entry is free and open to all: AFCA encourages - and welcomes - applications from AFCA members and
non-AFCA members, from any nationality or background.
The aim of the Australian Film Critics Association Film Writing Awards is to raise the level of film culture in Australia by encouraging broad and active participation in film discourse and increasing public awareness of film as an art form and cultural artefact.
Each applicant may submit a maximum of two pieces of writing and each piece submitted should fall into one of the following four categories:
1. Australian Film
2. Non-Australian Film
3. A review of an Australian Film.
4. A review of a non-Australian film
•Entries are to be typed on a computer or similar electronic device, and submitted via email to the awards coordinator, Carol van Opstal ([email protected]) by 5pm, Monday 11th February.
•Articles that have been published elsewhere are acceptable, but publication details should be provided
(see last year’s winners for examples).
•Entries are to be submitted in a common, unlocked document format, with content that can be copied and pasted for anonymous submission to the Adjudicators.
•The Awards Ceremony will be on Friday, 23rd February (6pm-8pm), in the Downstairs Studio, at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.
•Please don’t hesitate to contact Carol van Opstal (details above) if you have any queries about the awards.
We hope you will enjoy participating in this prestigious competition and look forward to receiving your submissions!
AFCA is proud to announce a panel of highly esteemed judges for the 2012 AFCA Writing Awards:
Alan Finney (Chairman of the Board of the Australian Film Institute)
Richard Sowada (Head of Programming at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image)
Deb Verhoeven (Professor and Chair of Media and Communication at Deakin University)